Defined Contribution Plans

Business owners are often looking to understand and predict their benefit budgets in advance. With rapidly rising premiums for virtually all benefit programs, strategies that have worked in the past may no longer be effective going forward.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

Broker Change Leads to Better Results

Sometimes a benefits consultant may become a bit complacent and fail to aggressively pursue available cost containment strategies for a client. When that happens, it may be time to consider a change.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

Alternative Funding Yields Big Savings

If your company’s employee benefits cost is taking up a lion’s share of your operating budget, we may be able to help. With experts on staff with considerable experience in helping clients to get control over their health insurance expenditures, we can work with you to develop a thoughtful, tailor-fit strategy that will allow you to continue offering a competitive benefit package to your employees at a price you can be comfortable with.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

A Voluntary Benefits Strategy

If you’re like many business owners, you are probably looking for ways to trim your employee benefits budget without creating a significant hardship for your employees. You’ve probably already raised deductibles and copays, implemented a High Deductible Health Program coupled with an HSA and maybe even integrated a wellness program…but you’re still looking for additional ways to save. What else can you do?

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients